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ISO 7183

... the „dryer standard“

ISO 7183 specifies standardized test methods to determine technical characteristics of compressed air dryer. The aim of ISO 7183 is to achieve standardized and thus comparable technical characteristics, allowing the comparison of performance or economic efficiency of different products.

Compressed-air dryers — Specifications and testing

Second edition (2007)

ISO 7183 specifies

  • terms and definitions, symbols, units and indices
  • technical characteristics of compressed air dryer, designed for a working pressure range of 0,5 to 16 bar at nominal volume flow – definitions and typical test methods for
    • pressure dew-point (measured according to ISO 8573-3)
    • volume flow
    • differential pressure
    • consumption of compressed air (regeneration resp. purge air, expansion air loss)
    • consumption of further energies (electrical energy, hot steam, ...)
    • outlet temperature
    • noise level (measured according to ISO 3744 resp. ISO 9614-2)
  • technical characteristics at part load for dryers offering energy saving controls (75%, 50%, 25%, 0%)
  • formulas for conversion and calculation, e.g. saturated water vapor pressure
  • test report (example)
  • further informative content (annex)

All results may be summarized in a test report which then can be used as a kind of test certificate according to ISO 7183 for a compressed air dryer.

With specific designed project and large scale compressed air dryer all tests according to ISO 7183 can be typically only done at their final place of installation due to the required infrastructure to operate the dryer.

Noise level measurement is restricted in its application with desiccant dryers or a complying test is no longer possible at the final place of installation.

ISO 7183 offers the only standardized method to determine and describe consistent technical characteristics for compressed air dryers.

In real life the application of ISO 7183 is still restricted to refrigerant dryers or series products in general, although ISO 1783 got extended to refrigerant, desiccant and membrane compressed air dryers with its 2nd edition. This is due to the comprehensive, often extensive and thus cost-intensive tests, justifying the efforts for series products with their high quantities only or the limited application of some test methods for compressed air desiccant dryers, respectively.

Standards are protected by copyright .
Thus they are distributed exclusively, e.g. in Germany by Beuth-Verlag ( ).