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Adsorption Dryer Heat Regenerated

The scope of application for compressed air dried by adsorption dryers are generally outdoor installations that are at risk of frost and compressed air applications with very high requirements in terms of the degree of dryness, such as process air in the food, electronic, pharmaceutical, chemical, measuring and process technology industries. Adsorption dryers are used both in centralized and decentralized compressed air treatment due to their unrestricted scalability.

Adsorption dryers remove the moisture directly from the compressed air. The desiccant used in adsorption dryers binds water molecules and completely separates the moisture from the compressed air. Pressure dew-points down to -70°C can be achieved by using adsorption dryers.

Adsorption dryers are suitable for continuous operation and are available for all volume flow and pressure ranges. Adsorption dryers also offer different regeneration types for efficient compressed air drying in terms of various performance ranges.

Heating in suction mode
Fast cooling in suction mode
No purge air consumption
Achievable pressure dew-points
[-40°C] – [-70°C]
Maximal volume flow
410 – 14.700 m³/h
Maximal operating pressure
11 bar
DN 40 – DN 200
Serial heating in blower mode
Fast cooling in suction mode
Closed loop
No purge air consumption
Achievable pressure dew-points
[-40°C] – [-70°C]
Maximal volume flow
1.230 – 14.700 m³/h
Maximal operating pressure
11 bar
DN 80 – DN 200

Regeneration with compressor heat
(heat of compression)
Achievable pressure dew-points
[-10°C] – [-50°C]
Maximal volume flow
410 – 14.700 m³/h
Maximal operating pressure
11 bar
DN 40 – DN 200

For higher volume flows, operating pressures and larger connections see special engineering.

For choosing and specifying heat regenerated adsorption dryers please contact our technical support.

Pressure vessels MADE IN GERMANY | High quality coatings
Conformity to EU directive 2014/68/EU | Further international certifications
High quality desiccant | 2-layer desiccant filling
Uniform flow through stainless steel wedge screen | Mechanically linked 4/2-way valves
External heating | C10 control unit with touch display | many optional regeneration types
and many more …

Maximum operational reliability | Long lifetime
Minimum total operating costs | Easy maintenance

Overview Regeneration Types

Heating and cooling in suction mode (vacuum) - zero purge

Heating utilizing blower heat and closed-loop cooling in suction mode (vacuum) - zero purge

Heating utilizing blower heat and cooling in suction mode (vacuum) – zero purge

Heating utilizing blower heat and cooling with purge air

Full flow regeneration with compressor heat - zero purge

Partial flow regeneration with compressor heat - zero purge

Operating Principles